Fire Damage Restoration Expert Advice - Planning for a Home Fire

When it comes to burdensome life events, there aren't many events as draining than a fire that ruins your home and personal property. As a fire damage restoration company, Paul Davis understands what a severe threat house fires are. Out of nowhere, it just takes a couple of minutes before flames are blazing. A fire in your residence is a terrible and emotionally draining situation, even if it damages everything or not. But you can execute certain things to make sure that you are ready for when a fire occurs.

Create and Practice a Fire Escape Plan

Safety should be the number one priority when preparing for a house fire, and smoke alarms and fire extinguishers need to be placed throughout the property. Smoke alarms are critical since a fire could come out of nowhere and you have to take action as fast as possible. Another thing to think about with smoke alarms is buying ones that can catch smoke caused from electrical fires. Lastly, any kids residing in the house have to be taught about how a smoke alarm sounds when it goes off and what to do when it happens. Other precautions consist of planning out emergency routes in your residence. Create a strategy and ensure everybody in the house understands the fire escape routes – there needs to be two exits for every room in the house. It's also crucial to have a designated meeting place outside so you know who gets out of the house and who is absent. Taking inventory of your personal possessions is an excellent idea for insurance reasons in case all your stuff is destroyed by the flames. Additionally, you'll want to preserve valuable items like birth certificates and passports in a fire safe box, and you can make digital copies and upload them to a cloud drive for added measure.

What to Think about to Lessen Home Fire Risk

Even though some fires are out of your power, here are some procedures you need to implement to prevent a house fire:

  • Fireplaces: Having a suitable fireplace screen is integral for the safety of your house and everybody in it. Ensure that it's strong enough to stop flares and logs that roll. You also need to clean your fireplace routinely to erase the intensely combustible creosote that forms.
  • Portable Heaters: Guarantee your space heater has a control mechanism and a thermostat, and it needs to switch off if the heater falls over.
  • Smoking: Inside smoking makes your house vulnerable to house fires, so the finest method to prevent a calamity is to smoke outdoors. If you do smoke indoors, have the proper ashtrays to prevent a cigar or cigarette from falling onto the floor. Yet, if somebody in the home is on oxygen, do not smoke indoors as oxygen is extremely combustible.
  • Children: Keep any lighters or matches in a place that is out of sight and out of reach from children to avoid their inquisitive nature from starting a fire. Educate your children that fire is not something to play with too.
  • Cooking: It's critical to be observant in the kitchen and to not leave food being cooked alone. Without exception have somebody there to keep an eye on what's going on.
  • Appliances and Electrical: Worn down cords and damaged plugs could easily spawn a house fire, so make sure to examine your appliances regularly for any issues. Additionally, keep an eye on the switches for your lights since if they're hot, they have to be changed.

Call the Fire Damage Restoration Experts at Paul Davis

If you experience a house fire, don't hesitate to get in touch with Paul Davis. Our expert team has the experience you need with fire damage restoration services and we can have your property back to a livable condition. Get in touch with Paul Davis at 888-473-7669 and a local franchise near your location will be available to help out.